
be the coffee bean

Helping students positively impact the world around them, just as Greg Sill did.

our mission statement

The Greg W. Sill Foundation celebrates and supports passionate students who spark positivity and lead lives of goodwill towards others.

our pillars



It all starts with cultivating a positive mindset. Even in the face of adversity, we strive to hold a positive outlook and Be the Coffee Bean. Through optimism, resilience, gratitude, and integrity, we can turn negative moments into positive ones.


We encourage adventure to take hold in the mind, body and spirit. An adventurous mind may seek to expand its knowledge through education. Adventure may also be described as the rush that comes with traveling to new places or the allure of the spirit soaring through music or nature.


Through empathy, we can lead compassionate lives and create deeper connections with those around us. We can create positive change by seeing, listening, and feeling for others. Empathy allows us to foster trust, personal growth, and collaborative action.



Watch the Mr. Sill Memorial Video created by the Smithtown Bullseye to see who Greg was as an educator and colleague at Smithtown High School West.